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杨 滔
Urban Space Patchworks Affected by Street Density or Spatial Connectivity
摘要 本文从城市街道密度角度对城市空间分区进行讨论,以期发现形成城市分区的几何机制。以伦敦历史中心区、 北京历史中心区、伦敦道克兰区以及概念性案例为研究对象,本文发现城市街道密度的变化才是城市分区的主 要几何因素,这体现了不同尺度下所有街道之间彼此联系的紧密程度,并与城市功能活动的分类有一定关系。
关键词 地名地区周期性波峰波谷空间句法    
Abstract:This article sought to explore urban spatial partition from a point of view of street density, in order to identify the geometric mechanism of generating urban areas. Taking the historic centres of both London and Beijing, London Docklands and notional examples as studying cases, it identified that the change rate of street density is a main geometric factor in the partitioning of a city, and such change rate is embodied by the degree of connections among all the streets picked out by different radii. This also has the kind of relationship with the classification of urban functions.
Key wordsNamed areas    Periodicity    Peak    Trough    Space Syntax
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