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抖音短视频空间意象初探 —以三处重庆网红打卡地为例
张 琳 朱文一
A Study on Spatial Images in Tik-Tok Short Videos: Three Internet-Famous Sites in Chongqing City
ZHANG Lin, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 本文从城市设计视角尝试分析抖音短视频网红城市打卡地的空间意象,从宏观、中观和微观 3 个层面分别选取 了远眺雾中城、平视车穿楼、近观水中麻将3 个重庆网红城市打卡地,并从短视频展示出的形象的独特性、空 间性和时间性3个方面探索了打卡地的空间意象。
关键词 抖音短视频城市设计网红城市重庆网红打卡地空间意象    
Abstract:This paper analyzes the spatial images of Internet-famous city and sites in Tik-Tok short videos from the perspective of urban design. According to the macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic view, taking into account the city scale, block scale and architectural scale, 3 short videos are selected: overlooking the city in the fog, watching light-rail train cross through the residential building and seeing people play mahjong in the river. From the uniqueness of the image, the space and the time of it, the paper explores the spatial image of Internet-famous sites in Tik-Tok short videos.
Key wordsTik-Tok short video    Urban design    Internet-famous city Chongqing    Internet-famous site    Spatial image
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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