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秦潇雨 杨 滔
Infinite Space Within The Cube:Synaesthetic City
QIN Xiaoyu, YANG Tao
摘要 数字孪生城市的本质是什么?本文通过深港双城双年展的数字孪生立方体,阐述了有限空间之中无限维度的场 景关联,观众与之多元化的互动,构成了通感城市的原型,其中主观与客观、感知者与被感知者、虚幻与真实 已经融为一体。
关键词 通感城市未来城市距离消解万物互联CIM    
Abstract:What is the nature of digital twins of city? This article demonstrates the digital twins of a cube exhibited in Bi-City Bien- nale of Urbanism\Architecture of Hong Kong and Shenzhen (UABB) and elaborates the infnite connections among sce- narios embedded in limited space. The diverse interactions between visitors and scenarios constitute a typical pattern of the synaesthetic city, in which subject and object, those perceive and those being perceived, and the virtual and the real, are integrated into the whole.
Key wordsSynaesthetic City    Future city    Dissolving distance    Internet of everything    CIM
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