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冉 展 朱文一
Research on the Effect of Elastic Control on Improving the Quality of Urban Public Space
RAN Zhan, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 随着经济水平的提高和城市化程度的提升,我国的城市公共空间建设进入了新的发展阶段,开始寻找建成环境 下开发存量公共空间的可能性。在这样的前提下,寻找一种更能够适应新时代公共空间建设的方法十分必要。 通过引入弹性调控的概念,本文希望通过不同案例的分析,讨论不同弹性调控工具对城市公共空间慢行友好、 特色鲜明和使用多元3种品质的作用机制,并总结弹性调控公共空间在建成环境中塑造公共空间所具有的优 势。
关键词 事件策划弹性调控城市公共空间品质作用    
Abstract:With the improvement of economic level and urbanization, the construction of urban public space in China has entered a new stage of development, and began to look for the possibility of developing the existing public space in the built environment. Under this premise, it is necessary to fnd a more suitable method for the construction of public space in the new era. Through the introduction of the concept of elastic control, this paper hopes to discuss the mechanism of diferent elastic control tools on the three qualities of urban public space: walkability, identity and mixed-use through the analysis of diferent cases, and summarize the advantages of elastic control of public space in the built environment.
Key wordsElastic Control    Urban Public Space    Quality    Efect
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