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对港口城市蓝色空间的理解 ——类型学矩阵应用研究
黛安·布兰德 娜塔莉·艾伦
Understanding the role of bluespace in port cities: Investigating the application of a typological matrix
Diane Brand, Natalie Allen
摘要 在城市规划和设计的话语体系中,“蓝色空间”是相对而言较新的概念,因为它通过一种系统的方法把滨水空 间考虑为城市整体形态和市民城市生活体验的一部分。本文研究了港口城市蓝色空间的作用,批判性地描述了 蓝色空间和传统绿色和灰色城市空间之间的关系。“海陆连续体”的概念,通过一个矩阵,定义了一种从海洋 过渡到城市的空间类型。该概念在奥克兰和奥斯陆等港口城市的案例研究场所中被充分地发展和测试。
关键词 蓝色空间城市空间港口城市城市形态学城市更新    
Abstract:The notion of bluespace in urban planning and design discourse is relatively new, as is a whole-systems approach to con- sidering water spaces as integral to overall city form and the urban experience of citizens. This paper investigates the role of blue spaces in port cities, delineating the critical relationship bluespace has to traditional green and grey urban spaces. The concept of a sea-to-land continuum, using a matrix that defnes urban space types graduating from sea to city, is de- veloped and tested at case study sites in the port cities of Auckland and Oslo.
Key wordsBluespace    Urban space    Port cities    Urban morphology    Urban regeneration
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