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江昊懋 李兴钢 朱文一
Research on the Relationship between Revolutionary Site Memorials and Surrounding Environment in Modern China
JIANG Haomao, LI Xinggang, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 本文着眼于全中国共252处周边存在相应革命活动旧址建筑的纪念馆园,探讨其与周边环境在形式、空间、业 态等方面的关系;按照各案例的空间形态将其分为“临街型”“街区型”“散布型”三大类,并分别对其形成 原因、应对策略和实际效果进行了分析和总结,从城市设计的视角归纳了当前革命旧址纪念馆园的现状。
关键词 革命活动旧址纪念馆园周边环境    
Abstract:The paper focuses on a total of 252 memorial museums in China with corresponding revolutionary sites nearby, and discusses their relationship with the surrounding environment. According to their spatial form, the cases are divided into three categories of "frontage type", "block type" and "scattered type". The paper analyses their causes, strategies and efects, summarizing the current situation of revolutionary memorial museums from the perspective of urban design.
Key wordsRevolutionary site    Memorial museums    Surrounding environment
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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