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Why Factory 与MVRDV
Why Factory and MVRDV
Steven Smit
摘要 斯蒂文·斯密特是MVRDV 建筑事务所亚洲主 管。他1958 年出生于荷兰埃因霍温市,1994 年 获荷兰乌得勒支大学、澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大 学建筑和环境设计学士学位。他在上海开始负 责MVRDV 事务所亚洲项目。2002 年,他担任 MVRDV 事务所中国和香港地区主管,积累了 不少从概念到实施的中国经验。他还与著名事 务所有过合作,如OMA 事务所CCTV 总部项 目团队成员、PTW 事务所水立方中国负责人、 AECOM 事务所成都TOD 项目负责人等。 2020 年9 月20 日,斯蒂文·斯密特在北京接受 了《城市设计》期刊的采访。
Abstract:Mr. Steven Smit, Director MVRDV Asia, born in Eindhoven, The Netherlands in 1958, studied at Utrecht University in The Netherlands and the University of Tasmania in Australia where he received bachelor’s degrees in Architecture and Environmental Design in 1994. Based in Shanghai, he oversees MVRDV’s Asian projects and clients, working with MVRDV’s local team in the city. Active in China and Hong Kong since 2002 at director level, his experience covers the practice of architecture in China from concept to completion. Smit has worked in China with renowned international architecture and engineering studios including OMA as part of the CCTV Tower team in Beijing, PTW as China Director during the Beijing Watercube project, and AECOM leading TOD projects in Chengdu. On September 20, 2020, Mr. Steven Smidt was interviewed by the journal Urban Design in Beijing.
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