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伦敦24 小时城市政策解读
周怡薇 朱文一
A Study on London's 24-Hour City Policies
ZHOU Yiwei, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 本文概述了24 小时城市概念在伦敦的确立和发展,总结了夜间城市的定义、内涵以及与24 小时城市的关系。 从城市设计视角出发,对伦敦夜间城市发展战略进行了解读,提出了夜间城市设计的3 个重要议题:提高夜间 城市可识别性、活化夜间建筑界面、激活夜间消极空间。结合战略提供的伦敦案例,本文对3 个议题涉及的空 间要素、设计方法等内容进行了介绍。本文结论评述了伦敦24 小时城市政策的正负面影响,并总结了伦敦实 践提供的经验。
关键词 24 小时城市夜间城市设计可识别性建筑界面消极空间    
Abstract:This article outlines the development of the concept of the 24-hour city in London, expounds the definition, connotation of the night city. From the perspective of urban design, this article introduces the policy “Developing a night time strategy”, proposeing three important topics for night-time urban design: improving the city’s night-time legibility, activating the night-time building frontages and promoting night-time activities. This article introduces the spatial factors and design methods of the three topics. This article reviews the impact of London’s 24-hour city policies and summarizes the empirical examples provided by London’s practice.
Key words24-hour city    Night-time urban design    Legibility    Frontages    Negative space
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