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张佳奇 朱文一
Mikael Colville-Andersen and Bicycle Urbanism
ZHANG Jiaqi, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 城市设计师米卡尔·科维尔·安徒生近年来对于自行车道路设计进行了持续探索与深度研究,提出了自行车都市 主义理论并率领团队在世界不同地区进行了相关设计实践。本文聚焦于其城市自行车道路设计策略,对之进行 归纳总结,从多要素叠加的城市路网设计、扼制机动车流的局部街道设计与自行车优先的交叉路口设计3个维 度分别展开讨论。其中,路网设计包括自然与历史元素的选取、时间匹配道路选择、城市整体多重要素叠加; 街道设计包括自行车道高度整体抬升、创造车行道减速弯、车行道设置扼流路缘石;路口设计包括设置箱式左 转区、增加逆车流自行车道、自行车道边界保护。
关键词 自行车都市主义哥本哈根化路网设计街道设计路口设计    
Abstract:Mikael Colville-Andersen, a Danish Canadian urban designer, has made continuous exploration and in-depth research on bicycle road design in recent years. He proposed the theory of Bicycle Urbanism and led his team to carry out relevant design practices in different regions of the world. This paper focuses on the design strategy of urban bicycle road, summarizes it, and discusses it from the three dimensions of multi-node series urban road network design, local street design of increasing bicycle area and intersection design of bicycle priority. The road network design includes the selection of natural and historical nodes, the selection of road matching time nodes, and the series of multiple nodes of the city as a whole. The street design includes the overall elevation of the bicycle lane, the artificial creation of road corners, and the setting of choke curb stones. The intersection design includes increasing the cycle lane against the traffic flow, expanding the cycle turning area and strengthening the signage function in many aspects.
Key wordsBicycle Urbanism    Copenhagenize    Road Network Design    Street Design    Intersection Design
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