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张 琳 朱文一
Interpreting Aya Ichinose's research on Masumoto Craft Month
ZHANG Lin, ZHU Wenyi
摘要 本文介绍了日本松本市的“工艺之五月”城市大型工艺活动,结合历史背景梳理了其形成过程,并以一之濑彩 等学者对其进行的田野调查为基础,分析探讨了这个持续一个月的重要城市手工艺活动在社会中的管理模式、 在城市中的活动规划以及在场地中的空间使用特点,从城市设计角度解读了日本松本“工艺之五月”值得借鉴 的完善模式和对当地形象及城市景观产生的积极影响。
关键词 工艺之五月松本阿加塔之森公园手工艺城市城市工艺活动规划空间使用    
Abstract:This paper introduces the "Masumoto Craft Month" urban large-scale craft event in Japan, and sorts out the process of its formation with its historical background. Based on the field survey conducted by scholars such as Aya Ichinose, this paper analyzes and discusses the management mode of this important urban craft event, which lasts for one month, in the society, the planning of the event in urban space, and the characteristics of the use of space on the site. It explains the perfect model of "Craft month" in Matsumoto, Japan, and its positive impact on the city image and urban landscape from the perspective of urban design.
Key wordsMasumoto Craft Month    Masumoto    Agata-no-mori Park    Craft city    Planning of urban craft events    Use of space
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