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玛格丽塔·格林 杨 滔 维尼修斯·内托 露丝·康罗伊·道尔顿 索菲亚·普萨拉 弗雷德里科·奥兰达
A Tribute to Bill Hillier
Margarita Greene, Tao Yang, Vinicius M. Netto, Ruth Conroy Dalton, Sophia Psarra, Frederico de Holanda
摘要 本次空间句法研讨会 25 周年纪念日开幕式,旨在铭记比尔·希利尔(Bill Hillier)所做出的贡献。会议的参会 人员以比尔的几位博士生为主,鉴于其思想对空间句法研究领域产生的深远影响,每位与会人员用10分钟左 右的时间讲述他们与比尔共同工作的经历以及他的思想是如何指导大家后续发展的。会议由玛格丽塔·格林 (Margarita Greene)主持,演讲者有:弗雷德里科·德·奥兰达(Frederico de Holanda)、索菲亚·普萨拉 (Sophia Psarra)、露丝·康罗伊·道尔顿(Ruth Conroy Dalton)、维尼修斯·内托(Vinicius M. Netto)、 杨滔(Tao Yang)。该会议由劳拉·沃恩(Laura Vaughan)、约翰·佩波尼斯(John Peponis)和露丝·康罗 伊·道尔顿(Ruth Conroy Dalton)组织。本文收录了开幕式所有演讲者的演讲文本。
关键词 空间句法社会逻辑空间认知设计理论    
Abstract:This opening session marks the legacy of Bill Hillier at this, the 25th year anniversary of the first space syntax symposium. Given the immeasurable range of influences Bill’s ideas have had on the space syntax community, this session was designed around a small number of his past PhD students, each of whom spoke for up to 10 minutes on some aspect of their work with Bill, and how his ideas have guided them since then. The session was chaired by Margarita Greene, with short talks from: Frederico de Holanda, Sophia Psarra, Ruth Conroy Dalton, Vinicius M. Netto, Tao Yang. The session was organized by Laura Vaughan, John Peponis, and Ruth Conroy Dalton. The texts from all presenters from this opening session are presented in this paper.
Key wordsSpace syntax    Social logic    Spatial cognition    Design theory
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