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Architecture and Language: Morphosyntactic-Morphosemantic Relations and (Con)figuration
Sophia Psarra
摘要 作为空间句法的一个关键概念,空间组构是通过建筑与语言的类比而建立的,居住环境的文化模式类似于我 们在说话和写作中使用的语言规则。然而,尽管有这种类比,空间句法寻求“自主的描述权”,并尽可能 地将语言上的干预降到最低,认为语言在分析和设计中是一个不适当的工具。因此,语言对我们空间体验的 组织能力没有被包括在空间句法的范畴之内,同样也没有被包括在设计的范畴之内,而建筑和语言之间的形 态学协同作用仍然没有得到探索。本文通过4条主线来讨论建筑和语言的关系:a. 语言在社会生活和设计中的 意义;b. 分析希利尔(Hillier)和汉斯(Hanson)在《空间的社会逻辑》中提出的解释性体系,形成空间句 法研究中所使用的解释性概念结构;c. 通过物体与物质的本质区分、解释分析类目的来源,以便将空间句 法从分析理论扩展到设计理论;d. 以建筑与象征性语言的类比为工具,对实例进行分析。基于赫耶姆斯列夫 (Hjelmslev)的语言理论基础,本文认为,就像所有有组织内容的系统一样,“非话语技术”依赖于形态 句法和形态语义的关系。建筑物和城市不仅构成了社会空间,而且也构成了社会的概念、话语和语义结构。
关键词 结构建筑语言句法语义形态句法形态语义    
Abstract:Spatial configuration, a key concept in space syntax, is founded on an analogy of architecture with language, arguing that the cultural patterns of inhabitation are similar to linguistic rules we use in speaking and writing. Yet, in spite of this analogy, space syntax seeks ‘descriptive autonomy’ with minimum linguistic intervention, deeming language an insufficient tool in analysis and design. As a result, the powers of language to organize our spatial experience stay outside the purview of space syntax, as does design, while the morphological synergies between architecture and language remain unexplored. This paper addresses the relationship of architecture and language through four main lines of inquiry. a. the significance of language in social life and design; b. an analysis of the hermeneutic system proposed by Hillier and Hanson in The Social Logic of Space, forming the structure of interpretive concepts used in space syntax research; c. the ontological distinction between object and substance, explaining where categories of analysis derive from in order to expand space syntax from an analytic theory to a theory of design; d. an analysis of examples using the analogy of architecture with figurative language as a tool. Building on Hjelmslev’s theory of language, the paper argues that like all systems organizing content, the ‘non-discursive technique’ rests on both morphosyntactic and morphosemantic relations. Buildings and cities constitute not only the socio-spatial, but also the conceptual, di scursive and semantic fabric of society.
Key wordsConfiguration    Architecture    Language    Syntax    Semantics    Morphosyntactic    Morphosemantic
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