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高级检索 订阅 投稿
[撰稿人] 常   青
[Interviewee] CHANG Qing
第一部分 关于历史环境与城市研究
Q1 您长期致力于历史环境领域的研究、教学和实践。能否请您谈谈历史环境保护和再生与城市发展的关系?
Q2 您提出过“历史语境的现代表述”以及让历史建筑“活在当下”。您认为中国城市和建筑的历史应当怎样在今天的城市中发挥积极作用?
Q3 能否请您谈谈《威尼斯宪章》与中国历史环境保护与再生理论的关联?
第二部分 关于建成遗产与城市实践
Q4 您主持过外滩轮船招商总局大楼、西藏日喀则桑珠孜宗堡等重要修复工程,能否举例谈谈其中的历史意识和城市理念?
Q5 您一直在主持建立中国风土建筑谱系研究和图谱绘制工作,能否谈谈风土建筑谱系及图谱绘制的意义?
Q6 您领衔创办了国内第一个“历史建筑保护工程”专业和“历史环境再生”学科方向。能否请您谈谈当前建筑学教育需要做出哪些调整来满足新时期城市实践对于专业人才的需求?
Q7 最后,请您谈谈对中国城市发展的展望。从历史意识和城市意识方面,您对年轻人有何期望?
PART 1 About Historic Environment and Urban Research
Q1 You have been conducting researches, teaching and practices on historic environment for many years. Could you please talk about the relationship between conservation, regeneration and urban development?
Q2 How could built heritage play its role in city at present?
Q3 What is the connection between the Venice Charter and the theory of regenerative designs of the historic environment in China?
PART 2 About Built Heritage and Urban Practice
Q4 Would you please share with us your historic consciousness and urban ideas in reconstruction projects like No.9 Building on the Bund of Shanghai and the Reappearance of Sangzhutse Palace-fortress?
Q5 Could you please talk about the vernacular architecture pedigree and the meaning of mapping it out?
Q6 Could you please talk about the Architectural Conservation Program and architectural education for the future?
Q7 At the end, please envision the future of the discipline of architecture and an outlook of the profession.
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