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Viewpoints on Green Urban Renovation
Kai Cui
摘要 当下我国城市建设全面进入存量更新时期,在绿色低碳发展的背景下,城市更新策略向绿色低碳转变。笔者 通过对绿色建筑设计的多年研究与实践,总结出5点关于城市绿色更新的思考:“增绿——为城市减碳”“绿 改——为城市降耗”“共享——提高城市空间的效率”“微增——完善和调整城市功能的必要增量”“混 搭——让城市有机生长”。
关键词 城市存量更新绿色低碳空间效率绿色发展有机生长    
Abstract:As urban construction in China enters the era of inventory-based renewal, green and low-carbon strategies are applied in urban renewal projects. Based on researches and practices on green architectural design, the author puts forward five viewpoints on green urban renovation as follows: Increasing greenery - to reduce carbon footprint for cities; Green renovation - to reduce energy consumption for cities; Sharing - to improve spatial efficiency for cites; Slight addition - necessary complement to improving and adjusting urban functions; Hybrid - to boost the cities’ organic growth.
Key wordsUrban stock renovation    Green and low-carbon    Spatial efficiency    Green development    Organic growth
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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