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以陪伴式规划引领传统村落可持续发展 ——潜山市万涧村传统村落保护试点项目探索
曹 璐 刘 琳 郭秋晨 朱穆峰
Leading the Sustainable Development of Traditional Villages Through Companion Planning: Exploration of the Pilot Project of Traditional Village Protection in Wanjian Village, Qianshan City
Lu Cao, Lin Liu, Qiuchen Guo, Mufeng Zhu
摘要 本文介绍了潜山市万涧村传统村落保护试点的陪伴式规划实践。陪伴式规划作为以人为中心的落地型规划,可 以根据项目推进情况动态调整规划内容,通过将规划建设项目拆解、策划为一系列乡村“公共事件”,实现村 落社会治理能力提升、文化传承创新、村民生计培育等目标,使规划过程切实转化为乡村产业、文化、社会治 理全面振兴发展的过程。
关键词 陪伴式规划乡村综合性成长树形工作模式村民主体性地位    
Abstract:This paper introduces the accompanying planning practice of the pilot project of traditional village protection in Wanjian Village, Qianshan City. Companion planning, as a people-centered and practical planning, can dynamically adjust the planning content according to the progress of the project. It disintegrates the planned construction project and plans it into a series of “public events” that can promote the improvement of the village’s social governance capacity, cultural inheritance and innovation, and the cultivation of villagers’ livelihoods, effectively transforming the planning process into the process of comprehensive revitalization and development of rural industries, culture, and social governance.
Key wordsCompanion planning    Comprehensive growth of villages    Tree-shaped work mode    Subjectivity status of villagers
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