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在神山与碉楼之间 ——四川省丹巴县中路乡传统村落集中连片示范规划设计
孙 娜 罗德胤 范秉乾
Between the Sacred Mountain and the Watchtowers: Planning and Design of Concentrated and Contiguous Demonstration of Traditional Villages in Zhonglu Area, Danba County, Sichuan Province
Na Sun, Deyin Luo, Bingqian Fan
摘要 作为第一批传统村落集中连片保护利用示范区,丹巴县中路片区是四川省嘉绒藏族聚居村落保护和乡村旅游发 展的代表。本文从规划定位、分区发展、连片保护要求和传统藏房改造示范等方面介绍了在中路乡的规划实践。
关键词 丹巴传统村落民居改造    
Abstract:As one of the demonstration areas in the first batch for concentrated and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages, Zhonglu area in Danba County, Sichuan Province is a representative in the protection of Jiarong Tibetan settlements and the development of rural tourism in the province. This paper introduces the planning and practice in Zhonglu area from the aspects of planning positioning, zoning development, requirements for contiguous protection, and demonstration of traditional Tibetan house renovation.
Key wordsDanba county    Traditional villages    Residential renovation
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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