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新闽派民居初探 ——以福建省永春县新时代农村社区为例
何 崴
A Preliminary Study on the New-Fujian-Style Residential Buildings: Taking the New Era Rural Community in Yongchun County, Fujian Province as an Example
Wei He
摘要 乡村住宅既是村民生活的空间,也反映了地域文化、邻里关系等问题。在过去的20年间,随着乡村人口和产业 的变化,新乡村住宅发生了巨大的变化:布局小区化、体量过大,风格脱离地域特色等。如何在满足村民新生 活诉求及成本可控的前提下,设计建造具有地域特色的乡村新民居是近年来乡建领域的重要命题之一。本文依 托笔者团队设计的永春县新时代农村社区项目,从保障机制、建筑风格、空间布局、公共建筑和景观等多个角 度,阐述了笔者团队对新闽派民居的设计探索和思考。
关键词 新闽派民居农村社区共同缔造永春县    
Abstract:Rural house is not only a living space for villagers, but also a reflection of issues such as regional culture and neighborhood relationships. In the past 20 years, with the changes in rural population and industry, new rural house has undergone tremendous changes: layout of residential areas, excessive volume, and a style without regional characteristics. One of the important topics in the field of rural construction in recent years is how to design and construct new rural houses with regional characteristics while meeting the demands of villagers for a new life and with controllable costs. This paper, based on the New Era Rural Community project in Yongchun County designed by the author’s team, elaborates on the design exploration and thinking of the new-Fujian-style residential buildings from multiple perspectives, such as guarantee mechanism, architectural style, spatial layout, public buildings, and landscape.
Key wordsNew-Fujian-Style residential buildings    Rural community    Co-creation    Yongchun County
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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