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乡村既有建筑改造中的新旧共生 ——以南京市高岗村民居改造实践为例
张 弘 吴 锐 陈泓宇 崔巍文 乌家宁 杨淇
Symbiosis of the “Old” and the “New” in the Renovation of Existing Rural Buildings: Taking the Practice of Residential Renovation in Gaogang Village, Nanjing City as an Example
Hong Zhang, Rui Wu, Hongyu Chen, Weiwen Cui, Jianing Wu, Junqi Yang
摘要 近年来,乡村闲置建筑的活化利用逐渐受到关注,对于建筑改造而言,处理“新”与“旧”的关系始终是核心 命题。本文阐述了乡村建筑改造中“新”与“旧”的矛盾,提出一种基于“新旧共生”理念的路径,以团队主 持的乡村民居改造项目为案例,提出具体的改造策略,试图探索一种有效的乡村既有建筑改造模式,为相关设 计实践提供借鉴。
关键词 乡村建筑传统民居改造乡土营建新旧共生乡村振兴    
Abstract:In recent years, the revitalization and utilization of idle rural buildings has gradually attracted attention. For architectural renovation, dealing with the relationship between the “new” and the “old” has always been a core proposition. This paper explains the contradiction between the “new” and the “old” in the renovation of rural buildings and proposes a path based on the concept of the symbiosis of the “old” and the “new”. Taking a rural residential renovation project hosted by the authors’ team as an example, it proposes specific renovation strategies and attempts to explore an effective renovation model of existing rural buildings, which provides reference for related design practices.
Key wordsRural buildings    Traditional residential renovation    Vernacular construction    Symbiosis of the “old” and the “new”    Rural revitalization
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