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Exploration of Rural Design Based on Community Reconstruction
Musheng Fang
摘要 从乡土建筑整体聚落的系统性研究到系统性乡村建设的设计,社区营造的方法和视角可以为当下的乡村振兴建 设设计发展出一种可行的途径。本文作者结合自身实践,基于“人气”提升出发,阐述了建筑师在乡村乡土社 区振兴中可参与设计的系列社区硬件对象,为乡村振兴大计中设计师下乡提供了一种参考。
关键词 社区设计样板社区集聚人气文旅空间    
Abstract:From a systematic study of vernacular architecture as a whole settlement to the design of systematic rural construction, the methods and perspectives of community creation can provide a feasible approach for current rural revitalization projects. The author, drawing on personal experience, elaborates on a series of community hardware objects that architects can engage in designing for the revitalization of rural communities, focusing on the enhancement of “popularity”. This paper provides a reference for designers participating in rural revitalization.
Key wordsCommunity design    Model community    Gathering popularity    Cultural tourism space
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《城市设计》期刊编辑部    地址:北京市海淀区清华大学建筑学院    邮编:100084    电话:+86 10 62783328    传真:+86 10 62770314    
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