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基岩岛乡村景观特征研究 ——以阳江海陵岛为例
潘 莹 张 娜 施 瑛
Research on the Rural Landscape Characteristics of Tectonic Islands: A Case Study of the Hailing Island in Yangjiang
Ying Pan, Na Zhang, Ying Shi
摘要 基岩岛是我国海岛的重要类型之一,海岛开发使其面临发展与乡村景观特征延续之间的矛盾。本文旨在整合社 会经济与空间规划分析视角,以阳江海陵岛为例,研究基岩岛乡村景观特征。通过分析海陵岛传统聚落的选址 分布规律,本文提出了海陵岛聚落产业发展与特殊自然环境的耦合关系,揭示海陵岛人居环境营建逻辑和乡村 景观特征,为其他基岩岛景观可持续发展提供参考。
关键词 风景园林基岩岛乡村景观三生景观聚落景观格局海陵岛    
Abstract:Tectonic Island is one of the important types of islands in China, and the development of the island makes it face the contradiction between development and the continuation of rural landscape characteristics. This paper aims to integrate socio-economic and spatial planning analysis perspectives to study the rural landscape characteristics of Tectonic Island, taking Yangjiang Hailing Island as an example. By analyzing the distribution pattern of traditional settlements on Hailing Island, this paper proposes the coupling relationship between the industrial development of Hailing Island settlements and the special natural environment, revealing the logic of Hailing Island’s habitat construction and rural landscape characteristics, and providing reference for the sustainable development of other tectonic island landscapes.
Key wordslandscape gardening    tectonic island    rural landscape    Sansheng landscape    settlement landscape pattern; Hailing Island
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